Why our pneumatic standing desk differs from our competitors on the market?

The key technology for pneumatic standing desk is the frictional force when the desk goes up and down. 

Our patented can reduce the frictional force, which is the only pneumatic standing desk manufacturer who supply this kind of technology in China so far.

See bellow details:

Our inside structure:

The inside structure of our competitors on the market:

They use plastic bearings which is not that smooth running as our steel ball bearings.
Once the frictional force increased, the plastic components will be easily out of shape, which causes wobbling or rocking motion for the whole desk.
After our real test and comparison, the friction coefficient between the highest height and lowest height is 30FN(3kgs) pressure for our model, however, the result is 80FN(80kgs) for our competitors, which turned out to be that our competitors have higher friction coefficient. That’s the difficulty it has inside the structure.


Short background

Our factory is Taiwanese 100% owned, our main product line is gas spring supplied for office chairs, which has more than 20 years experience. We started to develop pneumatic desk 10 years ago and grasp the main technology of gas spring.
We introduce strict Taiwanese technology and Quality Management and Control System which is very important through the whole process. A lot of the competitors they can copy the products from us, but they can’t copy the SOP system we have, that’s why we are very confident with our quality over our competitors.
Also we have patent in US and China for this key technology.
pneumatic standing desk patent

Since the demands for electric standing desk is larger than pneumatic standing desk in the past few years, the pneumatic standing desk just started popularity since 2020. Especially the online sales is growing rapidly during the Covid- 19 period. A lot of standing desk manufacturers are focusing on more cheaper models to meet price sensitive and low-economic market. Pneumatic standing desk should be another option for your consideration.
Note: J Ergo(www.j-ergo.com) is the supplier and solution provider for ergonomic office furniture products including standing desk, monitor arm, ergonomic chair as well as sit stand desk converter.

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